Rachel Rosen
Rosen joined MDRC in 2014 and is currently co-director of MDRC’s Center for Effective Career and Technical Education (CTE), which incubates new ideas, synthesizes findings and lessons learned, and disseminates this knowledge to policymakers, practitioners, and other researchers to ensure that expansion and scale-up of CTE programs are informed by a growing evidence base. She is also project director of the CTE Advise study, a randomized controlled trial funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) that is testing the efficacy of two popular, technology-based advising tools for supporting students to make high school CTE and career choices. Rosen also leads the evaluation of the New York City P-TECH model, a lottery-based impact study, also funded by IES, that is examining to impact of NYC’s innovative six-year high school model where students earn both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree while also engaging in work-based learning experiences provided by industry sponsors. Before joining MDRC, Rosen was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy. She holds a PhD in education policy and social analysis from Teachers College, Columbia University, and master’s degrees from Columbia University and Trinity College in Ireland.