Rigorous research
EPI researchers are actively engaged in a variety of research projects, including evaluations of early literacy interventions, COVID-19 impacts on K-12, college readiness and success initiatives, and other education policies aimed at improving outcomes for children into adulthood.
Birth through adulthood
Research topic areas

Impacts of the Boston Pre-K Program Through Early Adulthood Study
The Boston Early Adulthood study is the second phase of an ongoing study, which follows 12,740 children who applied to the Boston Pre-K program between 2007 and 2011. The Boston Pre-K program is somewhat unique in the national landscape as it uses evidence- and play-based language, literacy, and math-focused curriculum, pays teachers on the same scale as their K-12 peers, provides coaching supports to teachers, and is open to children in Boston, regardless of family characteristics. The first students to experience the program are just reaching early adulthood, allowing our team to estimate the impacts of Boston Pre-K on students’ school progress, school engagement, academic achievement, educational trajectory, and educational attainment through age 20. The study also aims to describe students’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and explore whether the timing of the crisis held different implications for students in later high school grades versus middle school/early high school.
Boston Pre-K through Early Adulthood Study