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Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership, Early learning

Impacts of the Boston Pre-K Program Through Early Adulthood Study

July 2022
Christina Weiland, Rebecca Unterman, Anna Shapiro, Tiffany Wu, Anne Taylor, Thomas Staines, William Corin
The Boston Early Adulthood study is the second phase of an ongoing study, which follows 12,740 children who applied to the Boston Pre-K program between 2007 and 2011. The Boston Pre-K program is somewhat unique in the national landscape as it uses evidence- and play-based language, literacy, and math-focused curriculum, pays teachers on the same scale as their K-12 peers, provides coaching supports to teachers, and is open to children in Boston, regardless of family characteristics.  The first students to experience the program are just reaching early adulthood, allowing our team to estimate...
Early learning

Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Early Educators and Young Children: Understanding the Issues and Identifying Evidence-based Recovery Responses

March 2021 - June 2021
Christina Weiland, Erica Greenberg, Daphna Bassok, Anna Markowitz, Paola Guerrero Rosada, Grace Luetmer, Rachel Abenavoli, Celia Gomez, Anna Johnson, Brenda Jones-Harden, Michelle Maier, Meghan McCormick, Pamela Morris, Milagros Nores, Deborah Phillips, Catherine Snow, Jasmina Camo-Biogradlija
The COVID-19 crisis upended life for young children, their families, and the early care and education (ECE) programs that serve them. Leaders need a clear understanding of the pandemic’s impact, particularly as the Biden administration makes historic investments in ECE. To meet this need, a team of early childhood experts synthesized findings from 76 high-quality studies, spanning 16 national studies, 45 studies from 31 states, and 15 local studies. The experts then collaborated with ECE policy and practice leaders from multiple states to identify actionable, evidence-backed, and...
Early learning

Evaluation of Michigan's Transitional Kindergarten Program

In partnership with the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), the research team is analyzing administrative education records to describe transitional kindergarten programming in Michigan (i.e. Young Fives) and to examine its impacts on children’s kindergarten readiness and K-3 outcomes. This study also has several connections to the COVID-19 crisis. Program data will be used to describe the progress of cohorts of children more versus less directly affected by COVID-19. Additionally, surveys of families, teachers, and districts on their COVID-19-related experiences and challenges will be...
Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership, Early learning

Boston Universal Pre-K Study

January 2019
Christina Weiland, Jason Sachs, Catherine Snow, Louisa Penfold, Anne Taylor, Paola Andrea Guerrero Rosada, Meghan McCormick, TeeAra Dias, Yuzhu Xia, Rachel Kushner
The Boston Universal Pre-K study is a mixed-methods implementation study of the expanded universal Pre-K program in Boston. In April 2019 the City of Boston announced a historic investment in expanding high-quality universal preschool for four year olds through a combination of community-based programs and existing public school seats. We are studying the implementation of this mixed-delivery program with an emphasis on identifying the barriers and facilitators of scaling quality programming. This study has evolved over the course of the pandemic and the study team has worked closely with...
Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership, Early learning

Sustaining the Boost Study

June 2014
Christina Weiland, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Rebecca Unterman, Anna Shapiro
The Sustaining the Boost project was an Institute of Education Sciences-funded study of the Boston Public Schools Pre-K program. It was a retrospective efficacy study of the short- and medium-term impacts of the Boston public Pre-K program on key child academic and school progress outcomes through the end of third grade. The team used new and innovative methods that have not yet been applied to public Pre-K programs, including a lottery-based identification strategy and impact variation across sites. Key outcomes in the study were children’s persistence in the Boston Public Schools from K-3,...
Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership, Early learning

Expanding Children’s Early Learning from Pre-K to Third Grade (ExCEL P3) Study

January 2014
Meghan McCormick, Christina Weiland, JoAnn Hsueh, Jason Sachs, Catherine Snow, Mira Pralica, Cullen MacDowell, Sam Maves, Anne Taylor, Paola Andrea Guerrero Rosada, Yuzhu Xia, Rachel Kushner, Lillie Moffett
The Expanding Children’s Early Learning (ExCEL) project is part of the Early Learning Network, an Institute of Education Sciences-funded network examining current policies and practices, identifying malleable factors associated with early learning and achievement, and developing tools to assess early learning instruction, interactions, and environments. The Boston ExCEL project is led by MDRC and has followed a cohort of Boston students from Pre-K to 5th grade. The longitudinal study is focused on identifying malleable factors that promote children’s success into elementary schools, including...
Early learning

Preparing to Succeed Study

January 2009 - January 2012
Christina Weiland, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Jason Sachs
Preparing to Succeed was the first study for the Boston Early Childhood Research Practice Partnership and, in many ways, it kicked off our long-term partnership. The study examined the effects of the Boston Public Schools Pre-K program in 2008-2009, after BPS made evidence-based investments in the quality of the program. The study found Boston Pre-K program has some of the largest positive effects on kindergarten readiness of any Pre-K program in the country. Related publications are linked...