What we do

Applied policy research and training to improve education outcomes for all students
Meet our team

EPI investigates systemic and structural issues in education with rigorous research methods. Using causal inference methods, we aim to shine a light on the effect of interventions and policies so policymakers and practitioners are armed with robust information when making choices about how best to invest their resources.

We accomplish our mission through rigorous research, state and local partnerships, interdisciplinary training and mentorship, policy engagement and public events, and the distinctive Michigan Education Data Center.

As we transition to a knowledge-based economy, public education is more important than ever. Yet, our school systems face enormous challenges. Stagnant funding and resource issues continue to burden communities. Children are also coming to school with new challenges related to loss, mental health, and anxiety. EPI's research supports policymakers and practitioners to solve these profound challenges, setting our nation's youth up for success.

— Brian Jacob, EPI co-founder

Researching what's relevant

Researchers at EPI are actively engaged in research to evaluate early childhood education, K-12 programs, college success initiatives, postsecondary programs, and a wide range of other policies aimed at improving outcomes for children into adulthood.
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Training in causal methods

EPI provides students and postdoctoral researchers with opportunities to deepen skills, knowledge, and expertise, and work in partnership with policymakers and practitioners.
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Policy Engagement and Events

Bringing together world-class scholars to share their knowledge and explore solutions. Supporting powerful, rich research partnerships to help state education agencies make evidence-based decisions.
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Michigan Education Data Center

A secure data clearinghouse that aims to help researchers across the country use Michigan’s education data to uncover critical insights about children, schools, and educational interventions that improve outcomes for students.
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How many research projects does MEDC support?


Critical topics from Michigan’s education research agenda

How many states does MEDC deliver data to?


A national network conducting research in Michigan

How many dissertations have used data from MEDC?


Supporting researchers in each phase of their training

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