
high-stakes testing

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
EPI Working papers

The Changing Federal Role in School Accountability

January 30, 2017
Brian Jacob
This is a point / counterpoint. The goal of the article is to discuss the influence of school accountability policies on educational inputs (e.g., funding, teacher quality, instructional practices, and school organization) as well as outputs (e.g.,...
EPI Working papers

Manipulation in the Grading of New York's Regents Examinations

February 1, 2011
Brian Jacob, Thomas Dee, Justin McCrary
The challenge of designing effective performance measurement and incentives is a general one in economic settings where behavior and outcomes are not easily observable. These issues are particularly prominent in education where, over the last two...

Bringing the Actual Science of Reading to Policy and Practice

Nov 19, 2020 1:29:12

Come learn from four stakeholders renowned for their experience and expertise in improving children's literacy; two professors of education, an education reporter, and the head of one of Michigan's school administrator associations.