Showing 31 - 57 of 57 results

Susan Dynarski: State of Education in Michigan

Apr 25, 2013 0:31:22

Susan Dynarski discusses the state of education in Michigan and how college-going rates throughout Michigan are affected by race, income, and quality of high school education.

Eric Hanushek: Will U.S. schools drag us down?

Mar 10, 2010 1:25:53

Eric Hanushek of the Hoover Institution talks about the societal and economic returns of long-term investment in schools, particularly problematic ones, as well as possible school reform policies that can help transform schools. March, 2010.

Higher education and economic growth in Michigan panel

Dec 10, 2009 1:25:00

John Cherry, Mary Sue Coleman, Michael Hansen, Mark Murray, and moderator John Austin address the past, present, and future of higher education and economic growth in Michigan. Edited video to be posted 12/14. December, 2009.

Robert Pianta: Improving impacts of classrooms

Nov 19, 2008 1:17:02

Robert Pianta discusses how to improve school and classroom experiences through teachers' professional development in his talk titled "Improving Impacts of Classrooms: Professional Development and Classroom Observation." November, 2008.