Showing 151 - 180 of 337 results

Education Policy Initiative's report gains more traction

Jul 6, 2021
The Education Policy Initiative's recent report, "Historic Crisis, Historic Opportunity: Using Evidence to Mitigate the Effects of the COVID-19 Crisis on Young Children and Early care and Education Programs," has gained more traction in the media,...
In the Media

Dynarski testifies on tax reform

Jun 30, 2021 Inside Higher Ed
On Tuesday, Susan Dynarski, professor of public policy, education and economics, testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on how current tax benefits aren't reaching the students they are meant to help. “The education tax benefits...

Tribute to Susan Dynarski as she departs the Ford School

Jun 23, 2021
Since 2008, Sue Dynarski has been one of the Ford School's most active faculty working to reform public education, fighting for educational equity and inclusiveness, and training the next generation of education policy experts. She has taught...
State & Hill

Building strength

Jun 10, 2021
With new leading-edge research and faces at the school, the Ford School builds depth in two key policy areas. Energy and the environment Economics, political science, psychology, and community engagement are at the roots of the Ford School’s...

MIDAS grant to assist Stange research on liberal arts education

Jun 4, 2021
A challenge in any analysis looking at multiple higher education institutions is that each institution may have different labels for the same course - ENG101 may be "Composition I" at one institution but "Thinking Like an Engineer" at another. Ford...

Examining Detroit students' college pathways

May 26, 2021
Academic and non-academic barriers are preventing Detroit high school students from enrolling and succeeding in college. Detroit Students’ College Pathways and Outcomes, a policy brief released by the Youth Policy Lab (YPL) at the University of...

Biden's plan for universal preschool, explained - Weiland

May 12, 2021
On April 28, the Biden Administration announced the American Families Plan, which includes universal preschool for all three- and four-year-olds. Christina Weiland, associate professor of education at the Ford School, weighed in on the plan and...

The student loan system has "layers and layers of dysfunction"

Jan 6, 2021 "The student loan system has 'layers and layers of dysfunction'" podcast
 As President-elect Joe Biden mulls forgiving $10,000 in student loan debt — and leading Democrats and others on his left push for more — one of our listeners wants to know: What would that do to the economy, and is it even possible for the White...
In the Media

Ending student loan relief poses a threat to new workers - Dynarski

Dec 7, 2020 NPR Studio 1A
Dynarski says on the NPR Studio 1A segment, Dollars And Sense: Unpausing Student Loan Payment, "We have a lot of people in debt and some people with a problem with that debt, so a small proportion means a lot of people in trouble. We are in the...

Low-income students lose ground

Dec 4, 2020 "Low-income students lose ground" article
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the gaps between low-income and high-income students, according to an editorial in Science magazine by Ford School professor Sue Dynarski, written with Christopher Avery of Harvard and Sarah Turner from the...

Michigan Education Data Center an invaluable tool for research

Dec 1, 2020
Does waiting a year to start kindergarten lead to better academic outcomes? How does participation in summer youth employment impact high school graduation and college enrollment? What career pathways are students pursuing? Researchers from around...