College Acceleration Programs in Michigan
Project Summary
In 2020, the Michigan Legislature asked that the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) produce a report analyzing trends in college acceleration program participation in Michigan and the extent to which postsecondary access and outcomes is improved as a result of these programs. To meet these aims, MDE has partnered with EPI to study enrollment, performance, and postsecondary outcomes for students who enrolled in international baccalaureate (IB), advanced placement (AP), dual or concurrent enrollment (DE), early or middle college high schools (EMC), and career and technical education (CTE) programs 2015 to the present. The report draws on administrative data collected and maintained by the Michigan Department of Education and the Center for Educational Performance and Information

Research Objectives
Currently, the study examines:
a) How many students participate in each type of college acceleration program by subgroup?
b) How many higher education credits are earned in each type of college acceleration program in a high school setting?
c)To what extent do students who participated in college acceleration programs enroll in “advanced courses” in their first year in college?
d) What is the degree attainment status of students and time-to-degree for students participating in each college acceleration program?
Michigan Department of Education
Center for Educational Performance and Information