
Student Achievement

Showing 31 - 45 of 45 results
Other reports

When Principals Rate Teachers

March 1, 2006
Brian Jacob, Lars Lefgren
Elementary- and secondary-school teachers in the United States traditionally have been compensated according to salary schedules based solely on experience and education. Concerned that this system makes it difficult to retain talented teachers and...
Support for K-12

Evaluation of Michigan's Read by Grade Three Law

Literacy knowledge and skills developed in the early elementary grades predict long-term literacy achievement, on-time graduation, and later-life outcomes. In recognizing the critical importance of establishing early literacy skills, there has been substantial instructional and policy attention given to improving rates of reading proficiency in the elementary grades. In 2016, based on the recommendation of the Michigan Third Grade Reading Workgroup, the Michigan legislature passed the Read by Grade Three Law (RBG3), which requires schools to identify learners who are struggling with reading...
Postsecondary preparation & success

College Acceleration Programs in Michigan

September 2020
Kevin Stange, Sabrina Solanki, Jonathan Hartman, Nicole Wagner Lam, William Metz, Yincheng Ye
In 2020, the Michigan Legislature asked that the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) produce a report analyzing trends in college acceleration program participation in Michigan and the extent to which postsecondary access and outcomes is improved as a result of these programs. To meet these aims, MDE has partnered with EPI to study enrollment, performance, and postsecondary outcomes for students who enrolled in international baccalaureate (IB), advanced placement (AP), dual or concurrent enrollment (DE), early or middle college high schools (EMC), and career and technical education (CTE)...

Eric Hanushek: Will U.S. schools drag us down?

Mar 10, 2010 1:25:53

Eric Hanushek of the Hoover Institution talks about the societal and economic returns of long-term investment in schools, particularly problematic ones, as well as possible school reform policies that can help transform schools. March, 2010.